Rite of Relics: Indie Game Project
Collection of work done in the 2 week Budding Game Devs June 2024 Game Jam for Rites of Relics. Play Here: https://now-loading.itch.io/ritesofrelics
Vome Character Concepts
Character design exploration of a gravity defying monk in a mountainous world shrouded in fog.
Blastina Character Concept
Full Character Design exploration for a warrior jester concept inspired by Venetian Carnival costumes.
Plushie Panic: Indie Game Project
2D art assets for the Game Jam Indie game Plushie Panic. This game was made in 2 weeks for Buddy Up Jam Winter 2023: https://fakehiking.itch.io/plushiepanic
Brianna Character Concept
Character Design Project focused on the concept of a human frost/ice wizard in my Cosmic Arcade MMORPG/TTRPG universe project.
Veronica Character Concept
Final character design, notes and iterations of the development of Veronica, the main character of a Dragon Slayer story
Cosmic Arcade Concept Development
A quick study of Boora and Frogling customization for the Cosmic Arcade, an original universe.